ICCN 2024 Poster Format
Poster Abstract Format
The ICCN 2024 Programme Committee thanks all those who submitted abstracts for consideration for poster presentation.
Poster Session Times and Author Attendance
Posters are required to be displayed during posted exhibitor hours on the day of the author’s assigned Poster Session:
Thursday | September 12 : 08.00 AM to 4:00 PM |
Friday | September 13: 08:00 AM to 4:00 PM |
Saturday | September 14: 08:00 AM to 2:30 PM |
Authors are expected to stand by and present their posters during their assigned 60-minute Poster Session, which will take place between the morning and afternoon scientific symposia as listed below.
Thursday | September 12 : 13.00 AM to 14:00 PM |
Friday | September 13: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM |
Saturday | September 14: 13.00 AM to 14:00 PM |
*By submitting an abstract to ICCN 2024, abstract authors agree that at least one author will attend the meeting and will be available to present on the date and at the time assigned by the Programme Committee
Poster Guidelines
Display Area and Poster Board Details
Posters are mounted vertically on a usable space of 100 cm wide x 250 cm tall. The A0 poster size (84.1 cm x 118.8 cm) with portrait orientation is recommended for printing your poster. All poster material should be confined to the space provided and should not exceed it. The organizers will supply material to secure the poster onto the panels. (See diagram on the next page for a visual representation of the board and poster.)
Headers Come First
At the top of each poster, you should post a label stating the title, authors, and author affiliations in addition to the submission ID number. The lettering of this title strip should be at least 2.54 cm high.
Aim for Clarity and Readability
Make sure your poster is understandable without an oral presentation and readable from five meters away. Remember that your poster will be on display all day and you will only attend it for a portion of the day.
Keep Visual Balance in Mind
Make an initial rough layout, paying attention to the proportions of figures, tables, and text. Try to maintain a balance of using ~50% of the poster board area for figures and tables.
A Good Poster Is Like a Good Paper
Include your objective, the design/methods, the results, and the conclusion, but avoid displaying a short manuscript. Experimental details should be concise. Tables and conclusions should be clearly stated. (Think about the message you want the audience to remember, and what is the best way to arrange the information to make sure they understand the message.)
Keep It Simple
Do not overload your poster with excessive text and data. Where possible, organize tables and figures chronologically in vertical progression. (Remember your audience: what do they know about your research? What do they want to know?)
COI and Logos
Conflict of interest disclosures should be included on your poster. Institutional logos, but not product logos, are allowed on your poster.
Poster Board Display Diagram
Poster Display
Following the notification date for late-breaking abstracts, all poster presenters will be assigned a specific presentation date and given a final abstract number for use in creating their final poster. Presenters are required to attend their poster during each day’s Poster Session (Thursday-Saturday 12-14 September 2024)
Poster Retrieval After Display
Posters are required to be displayed during posted exhibitor hours (9:00 AM–4:00 PM) on the day of the author’s assigned Poster Session.
On Thursday, September 12 and Friday, September 13, posters that are left on the boards after 05:00 PM will be placed in a poster retrieval area near the presentation area and can be picked up by the author the next morning. Any posters in the retrieval area that are unclaimed by 10:00 am the day after the poster presentation will be destroyed.
On Saturday, September 14, posters left on the boards after 2:30 PM will be removed and placed on a registration table. Any posters unclaimed by 4:00 PM will be destroyed.